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IT Ignite > Products > Jira


When it comes to designing a workflow to manage software development and design projects, companies face a host of issues that act as hurdles in their overall business. Not only do they have trouble in bringing the project from idea to execution, but there are errors, bugs, and other obstacles in the way of project completion. Although agile project management is a widely known and accepted solution, most companies fail to use it effectively to manage their operations and process.

At IT Ignite, we are all about helping software development teams increase their efficiency and maximize productivity, which is why we kept searching for an advanced and rapid solution to help them smoothly cruise through their development lifecycle and experience fewer hurdles along the way. Our focus was to find a simple and effective workflow that could be easily adopted by all companies without any difficulty.

That search led us to Jira by Atlassian, one of the best bug tracking software and agile management platform in the world. It is being used by numerous companies across the world to manage their teams efficiently and deliver software and application-based solutions to their clients much faster.

Key Features of Jira

Scrum Boards

Jira allows the formation of agile teams that can provide significant and measurable value by speeding up processes through scrum boards.

Kanban Boards

Kanban boards offer a flexible and customizable platform that offers your agile team complete visibility into ongoing and consequent projects, allowing you to ensure maximum productivity in the fastest time.


With Jira, you can also lay out the entire plan for your stakeholders, and also ensure that it aligns with your team’s workflow.

Agile Reporting

Agile teams gain access to numerous intuitive and measurable reports that are developed through real-time and valuable insights, so that every sprint of your team is monitored closely.

Code and Deployment Status

You get maximum visibility over your code and deployment status, and you can also clone information from your desired version control, builds, or deployments through the Jira software.

DevOps Visibility

Monitor and visualize the progress of every step of the development lifecycle, from idea to execution across all tools.

Repository Visibility

With Jira, you can add issue keys to a commit, branch, or PR, and it will update in real-time on the software.

Contextual Development Status

Manage visibility and creation of branches, pull requests, and commits in the issue development panel.


The automation engine helps agile teams save time, maximize power and manage customization.

Custom Filters

You can write and develop your own filters through the Jira Query Language (JQL).

Developer Tool Integration

Align your projects and integrate them with developer tools, making it easier to trace every line of code.

3000+ Apps

Expand and empower your Jira integration with 3000+ useful and robust apps.

Customizable Workflows

You can personalize your own workflows in the Jira software, thus allowing you to manage compliance and efficiency according to your business policies.

Mobile Apps

Keep your workflow going with Jira’s powerful and centralized mobile apps.

Rich APIs

Jira has an efficient and robust set of APIs that can be integrated into any workflow and software for maximizing efficiency.

Benefits of Jira

By using Jira software, you can transform your team into an agile powerhouse, and it provides a configurable and flexible platform that can be used on numerous environments and processes.

Here are some other benefits of using Jira:

    • Customizable display: The Jira software can be used to tailor your workflow for any scenario, and you can also make use of the administrative GUI to change the display according to your projects.
    • Compliance with numerous industries: Jira software, and Atlassian products in general, offer support and compliance with a wide range of industries, and its flexible configuration makes it suitable for finance, IT, healthcare, manufacturing, and much more.
    • Flexible security settings: With Jira, you can easily manage the security protocols for all sprints, bugs, issues, and also manage who gets to work on which bugs or projects. You can also choose the security level of each commit.
    • Easy product integrations: Jira also allows compatibility and integration with numerous development and other tools, both from Atlassian and third-party tools. Some of the integrations include Salesforce Sales Cloud, Service Desk, Zendesk, GitHub, and many others.

How IT Ignite Can Help You

At IT Ignite, we are well versed with the use and deployment of Jira, and we can help all kinds of clients in various industries to integrate the use of Jira in their business and development operations.

Moreover, we are also on board to help our clients with integrations, consultation, training, and further services. Whatever you need to do regarding Jira, just get in touch with us.

If You Have a Project, Please Contact Us

We would love to hear from you; if you have a project our team members can arrange a free initial consultation to understand, scope, and price your project.

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