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IT Ignite > Products > 1TimeSheet


For years, time entry duplication across multiple organizational systems, has been a burden on organizations.


Consultants and employees alike shouldn’t have to log time in one system after another, struggling to decipher which tasks to log time to and under which project, depending upon which system they were in.


The result of this needless hassle is increased error rates, each telling a different story, even in cases where resources were billing to the same projects and programs, only in different systems. That’s where the power of 1TimeSheet comes in, with 1TimeSheet jumping around doing time entry repeatedly is a thing of the past.

Problems 1TimeSheet addresses

Inability to synchronize and consolidate tasks across various applications into one centralized system

Inability to seamlessly account for tasks, such as outlook calendar items

Inability to Approve Action Items, Approve Change Requests, Time Off requests in one tool.

Inability to quickly address resource allocation anomalies, identified in timesheets

Inability to export and consolidate time reporting quickly and efficiently

Inability to simplify the time entry process

Inability to track overhead buckets of time correctly

Core Features

Synchronized Task Entry

Timesheet Submission

Outlook Calendar Integration

Resource Allocation Planning

Timesheet Status and History

Accessibility and Extension

Export to Excel

Automated Reporting

Timesheets, Actions Items, and Time Off Requests


Task Imports from Various Platforms

One of the most powerful features of 1Timesheet is its support for various vendor platforms, a list which continues to grow, as client needs for 3rd party integration support increases. 1Timesheet currently allows data imports from Clarity PPM, Outlook, JIRA, Fieldglass, and Version One, but can be customized to suit client needs as they arise. The true beauty of being able to perform such imports is that this data can be tied back into Clarity PPM at a Project Task level, allowing for exceptional precision, with regard to resource labor expenditure.

Timesheet Submission and Approval

Timesheet submissions and approvals can now be conducted from within Outlook via 1Timesheet’s approval interface. This eliminates the need to venture into Clarity PPM and conduct approvals for specific resources.


With integration support for its various vendor platforms1TimeSheet allows for more accurate and concise reporting. 1Timesheet currently allows data imports from Clarity PPM, Outlook, JIRA, Fieldglass, and Version One, but can be customized to suit client needs as they arise. 1TimeSheet helps take the hassle out of reporting and allows businesses to focus on what’s really important.


Accessibility and Extension

One of the most compelling features of 1Timesheet is its accessibility and ease of use. By integrating directly with outlook as a plugin, 1Timesheet sits at the core of how we interact and communicate daily. Once installed, a user can easily click to manage all the above features listed, right from within their email.

This eliminates the need to navigate between various applications, again adding value, by increasing organizational efficiency through common sense implementation. In addition, 1Timesheet can be customized and integrated to operate with any SOA compliant system to facilitate additional automation where needed.

Timesheet Status & History

1Timesheet makes it extremely easy to retrieve historical timesheet approval data, from within the same interface. With a simple click of a button, a resource manager can view all timesheets approved for resource reports, along with dates, total hours, and approver info.

Action Items, and Time Off Requests

One of the goals of 1Timesheet was to simplify and centralize various routine approvals, conducted by resource managers. Consequently, through 1Timesheet’s Approval and Notifications menu, approvals for change requests, change controls, action items, timesheets, and time off requests can all be conducted from a centralized interface in outlook. To be specific, a resource manager can:

  • Approve or Return Timesheets
  • Approve or Reject Action Items
  • Approve or Reject Change Requests
  • Approve or Reject Time Off Requests

If You Have a Project, Please Contact Us

We would love to hear from you; if you have a project our team members can arrange a free initial consultation to understand, scope, and price your project.

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